Thursday, September 24, 2015

Apple Car

Adding to rumors that have been circulating for months, the Wall Street Journal reported this week that Apple is working on an electric car project. According to the WSJ’s insider sources, the top-secret initiative is code-named “Titan,” and the company hopes to have an electric vehicle on the market by 2019. 

 What we know so far: 

—All Apple Cars will be initially available only in aluminum or white; other color options will be available several months later.

—The charging cord for the battery system will be nonstandard and proprietary to Apple, and will change with each new model.

—Apple Cars will be impossibly delicate, slippery, and prone to scratches unless wrapped in the optional Apple Car Case.

—The car will drive only on roads available from the iPavement Store.

—If the windshield is cracked   Apple will not replace it; you will need to replace the entire vehicle.

— For some reason, Siri will handle all left turns. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Post

                                                    Web 2.0 Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

                   As a freshman in Wood-Ridge High School your new to everything, you really don't know where you going and your pretty nervous. But after a while you get use to everything and things start to become familiar. The people you see, the hallways, and most of all the teachers. When the school year begins you like every teacher, as a freshman you don't really know any of the teachers and you have good chemistry with all of them. But after a while of being in the school you start to realize which teachers you like and dislike. And this doesn't just pertain to kids in high school it pertains to pretty much every kid. So I chose Ms. Garvin as my favorite teacher.
                  Ms. Garvin is my world history teacher, she knows how to teach and she is really nice in every class. As long as you behave and do all the in class and home work, and study you are guaranteed to pass the class with a A. But thats not why I chose Ms. Garvin as my favorite teacher. I chose Ms. Garvin because she is very loyal to all her students and gets the job done. There is and always will be a few flaws about every teacher whether or not its the amount of homework assigned or the amount of assessments you take there will always be a problem with every class. Even our favorite teachers have some problem with the way they teach. A few things I expect to learn this year in Ms. Garvin's class are about different era's, for example the Renaissance Era. So far this year the class has learned about the Renaissance, which to me is a great start to the school year. Some other things I expect to learn about are the history of America and it came to be, another thing I expect to learn about is World War I and II, and finally I expect to learn about all the different eras of Europe. I feel that I will have a great school year working with Ms. Garvin and  I hope to have a lot of fun. So far what I have learned to date is the Renaissance and all the famous artists and other interesting facts, such as the backstory to Leonardo Da Vinci.
               Ms. Garvin's grading policy works like any other. Homework is worth 10%, quizzes are worth 40%, and tests are worth 50% of the students grade. A few interesting aspects of Ms. Garvin's class are that I like are that we don't get assigned too little or too much homework, another aspect I like is that We don't have to much to study for and tests are told to the class in advanced so you have plenty of time to study. The way we use technology in Ms. Garvin's class like any other. For example if the class is doing a project you may grab a laptop to assist you so you can look up information that may help you in the project. One final thing, you can check out this video about my class and I have been learning about so far this year. And finally here is a link to one of Ms. Garvin's online history sources.