Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

             Three people I am most grateful for in my life would be my mom, dad and my younger brother. I am most grateful for them because they have always helped me through the hard times. Every time I felt down my brother would always be there to cheer me up and tell me everything was going to be alright. Each time I didn't do so good on a school assignment my parents would be there to help me. I will always be most grateful for these three people because without them I would be nothing.
             The best Thanksgiving I have ever had would be Thanksgiving of 2014. This would probably be described as my best Thanksgiving I have ever had because it took place at my house and my favorite cousin came over that I didn't see in about a year. My mom prepared the food and table really well. My cousin came over and we ate like we have never eaten before. We then proceeded to go to my brothers room where we threw pillows all around and overall just had a good , after that we went up to my room played some video games on my xbox and then went outside to play basketball. After that my cousin left and I immediately fell asleep.
             My family and I usually prepare the table and the food in the living room. We set up all the plates, napkins, and glass cups a few hours before the guests arrive. We then prepare all the food and place it on the table so it is ready for the guest and lastly we bring out the Turkey and eat.

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